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Tooth-Colored Fillings – Dallas, TX

The Perfect Cavity Solution

At Highland Smiles Dental, Dr. Sandadi places fillings every single day to repair teeth with small cavities. Instead of old, dark gray fillings, he uses a tooth-colored variety that is much, much more natural-looking. This way, he can help patients get the restorative care they need without compromising the appearance of their smile. If you think that you might have a cavity, it just takes one quick appointment to make it disappear!

Why Choose Highland Smiles Dental for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

  • Shaded to perfectly blend with every patient’s smile
  • Only take one appointment to place
  • 100% painless procedure

What is a Tooth-Colored Filling Made of?

Animation of tooth-colored filling placement

Traditional fillings are made of a mixture of metals called amalgam, which is why they have a distinct gray color, but tooth-colored fillings are composite resin. This is a plastic and glass-particle mixture, and it can be customized to match any patient’s enamel color so that the restoration ends up looking just like natural dental structure.

The Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Closeup of smile during dental exam
  • Better Appearance: Everyone notices if you have a traditional filling, but with tooth-colored fillings, only you and Dr. Sandadi will know that you’ve had any dental work done.
  • No Sensitivity: Because tooth-colored fillings are metal-free, they don’t make a tooth more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures like regular fillings.
  • More Conservative: Tooth-colored fillings bond directly to the enamel, meaning Dr. Sandadi can use smaller fillings compared to amalgam ones. This preserves more of a tooth’s natural structure and strength, meaning the tooth will be able to function normally for much longer.

What is the Procedure Like?

Dentist explaining tooth-colored fillings to his patient

Dr. Sandadi will take a quick look at your tooth, and after deciding that a filling is the best way to repair it, he’ll start by numbing the area with local anesthesia. Once you can’t feel a thing, he’ll remove any decayed portion of the tooth, and then he’ll apply the composite resin to literally fill in the space. He’ll shape it accordingly, and with a curing light, he’ll harden the resin in a matter of seconds. He’ll do one last check of your bite, and then you’re all done!