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All-On-4 – Highland Park, TX

Replace Your Entire Arch Fast

Tooth loss can quickly escalate, even after you’ve only lost a single tooth. Of course, if you are currently using a full denture, you’re already used to not having teeth in either your bottom arch, upper arch, or both! Thankfully, you don’t have to settle for a denture if you don’t think it’s a suitable option for tooth replacement. With All-on-4 dental implant treatment, you can easily replace all your teeth the same day as your dental implant surgery, and Dr. Sandadi has the expertise to get it done all under one roof. Give our office a call to set up your very first consultation!

How Do All-On-4 Implants Work?

An implant-retained denture.

In order to restore an entire arch of teeth, a series of dental implants need to be placed throughout the jaw. These implants act as the foundation for your eventual restoration. This is significantly different than what a traditional denture does, which is sit on top of the gums and stay in placed either through natural suction or denture adhesive.

The dental implants are made from titanium, which is a biocompatible material. This means implants are capable of integrating with your existing bone and soft tissue after they’re placed. The result is a long-lasting foundation that makes your replacement teeth feel more natural than any bridge or denture could.

Am I A Candidate For All-On-4 Implants?

A diagram of an All-on-4 restoration.

Each implant is designed to maximize the amount of bone tissue present, so even those who have been using dentures for a long time can take advantage of All-on-4 treatment. If you are missing all or most of the teeth in either your top or bottom arch, you have good oral health overall, and your gum tissue is healthy, you’re likely a candidate for this comprehensive procedure.

During your consultation, we’ll confirm all of these factors and begin planning your treatment in greater detail. The more planning we complete, the more predictable your surgery will be.

What Are the Benefits of All-On-4 Implants?

A model of an All-on-4 restoration.

Dental implants are designed to mimic tooth roots almost exactly. Keep in mind that dental bridges and dentures do not address the bone tissue underneath gum tissue like dental implants do, which means that this bone only continues to break down even after you receive a denture or bridge. When a dental implant has integrated with your bone tissue, it prevents that tissue from breaking down. This means your biting force remains strong, the overall shape of your jaw remains the same, and blood flow can properly continue to your cheeks. Eating the foods you want and smiling with confidence couldn’t be easier with All-on-4 in Highland Park!

All-On-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants

An older man smiling at a dental employee.

Dental implants offer many restorative benefits, but they aren’t without their drawbacks. For example, when placing a single dental implant, you aren’t able to get your smile restored the same day. This is because the implants require multiple months of healing before a restoration can be confidently placed.

All-on-4 treatment allows you to walk out of our office with a full restoration the same day the implants are placed. That means you can walk into the office with no smile whatsoever and walk out with a complete smile as your implants continue to heal over the next several months.