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Frequently Asked Questions

At Highland Smiles Dental, we want you to have all the information you need to take great care of your teeth, so below, we’ve included answers to some of the most common questions our team receives every day. Be sure to give us a call if you have any others!

How often should I visit the dentist?

Dr. Sandadi recommends that patients of all ages should attend at least two checkups and cleanings each year, or one about every six months. This is the most effective and conservative way to prevent small dental problems so they can’t turn into bigger ones later.

Can I bring my child to Highland Smiles Dental?

Yes! Dr. Sandadi is a father of two himself, and he just loves helping children get on the path to a lifetime of healthy smiles. He and the rest of our team have years of experience with children of all ages, so whether you have a toddler, teenager, or someone in between at home, they’re always welcome to our dental office.

I might have a cavity. What should I do?

If you’ve noticed some slight discoloration on one of your teeth, or if you’re experiencing some mild dental pain, the best thing to do is call Highland Smiles Dental. You won’t be able to do much about a cavity on your own, and it will only get worse over time. If we catch it early enough, we’ll probably be able to fix it in just one appointment with a tooth-colored filling.

How should I replace my missing teeth?

While this answer is different for every patient, for most, Dr. Sandadi would suggest dental implants first. In short, they are the most complete restoration available today and offer unmatched function and aesthetics. Better yet, you can get the entire procedure completed here at Highland Smiles Dental for maximum convenience. To learn more about this treatment and what it could do for you, visit our dental implant page.

Can you make my teeth whiter/straighter/more attractive?

Yes! We offer a complete selection of cosmetic services that are specifically designed to improve the overall appearance of the smile. We can whiten your teeth, fix chips, cracks, and gaps, and do pretty much anything to give you your dream smile. To get started, contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Will you accept my insurance?

Yes, Highland Smiles Dental accepts all major PPO dental insurance plans as well as multiple HMOs and DMOs. We’ll work to maximize your benefits at every visit, and to learn how we can use your particular plan to help you save, contact us today.