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Multiple Missing Teeth – Dallas, TX

Rebuild Your Smile with Dental Implants

If you’ve lost multiple teeth, it can devastate your self-esteem and your quality of life. It’s easy to feel embarrassed by an incomplete smile, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Now, you may struggle to maintain a balanced diet because certain foods are too difficult to chew. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies that can harm your health. You can rebuild a beautiful smile and restore your confidence using an effective tooth replacement option, like an implant-retained bridge. At Highland Smiles Dental, Dr. Sandadi has the solution you need to replace multiple missing teeth.

Non-Implant Tooth Replacement Options

woman pointing to her teeth

Traditional tooth replacement options provide tried-and-true solutions to replicate the portions of the teeth visible above the gum line. Dr. Sandadi will determine which treatment best meets your needs depending on how many teeth you’re missing.

Crown & Bridge

1 to 3 missing teeth can be replaced using a fixed bridge. Dr. Sandadi takes an impression of your mouth to recreate the teeth you’ve lost. The bridge is held in place by reshaping your adjacent teeth to bond dental crowns over them. Your bridge and crowns will last for about 10 years before needing to be replaced, but you will need to permanently alter healthy teeth.

Partial Dentures

If you’ve lost several teeth, a partial denture works by filling the various empty spaces in your smile. Prosthetic teeth are attached to a gum colored base, which has a metal framework. This allows it to clip or clasp onto your remaining natural teeth to hold it in place.

Full Dentures

If you’ve lost all your teeth in one or both arches, a full denture can replace them. A custom-made denture is held to your gum tissue using suction or an adhesive. Although they have a bad reputation for looking and feeling fake, new innovations in dentistry allow them to look and feel more realistic than ever.

The Dental Implant Process

As an alternative to traditional treatments, many patients are choosing to stabilize their bridge or denture with dental implants. You’ll enjoy the next best thing to your real teeth using a multi-step treatment process.

Titanium implant posts are surgically placed into your jawbone to serve as new roots. Your jaw fuses to the posts over the next several weeks. After your bone has healed, special connectors are placed onto the posts to secure your restoration. Now, you’ll have a solution that can last for a lifetime with the right aftercare.

Benefits of Implant-Retained Prosthetics

implant-retained bridge

Stabilizing your bridge or denture with dental implants allows you to enjoy exceptional benefits that aren’t possible with traditional treatments, including:

  • Over a 95% success rate to last for decades.
  • Looks natural to smile confidently.
  • Regain as much as 70% of your natural biting force.
  • Preserves your jawbone’s density.
  • Supports your facial tissues.
  • Doesn’t rely on healthy teeth for support.
  • Easy maintenance and care.
  • Cost-effective, long-term solution.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you’re ready to enjoy a complete, functional smile, it’s time to schedule your consultation with your dentist in Highland Park. Contact us today for an appointment.